[Rom]CyanogenMod 7 MusicEdition_v3.0[UPDATE]
This rom is just a modified cyanogenmod
specially made for music lovers like me.!
●●All the credits go to
tj_style,squadzone,psyke and other xda
This rom is heavily based on cm7 rc5.5,
cm7 rc0(psyke) and cm9(for music tweaks)
So here we go :
What does this include??
1. Lots of hard work.
2. Lots of tweaks
3. Many music enhancements
4. Many custom apps
5. Brand new ui
6. really light weight
7. Includes some performance tweaks
8. Includes some battery saving tweaks
9. New ringtones,notification sounds,ui
10. cm9 music tweaks
11. Bass enhancement
12. Improved Graphics
13. 3d sound enhancement( U can feel it if
u hear through earphones)
14. Samsung stock keyboard.
15. Included swype.
Why should I use this rom?
1. Dont use it. I have no problem
2. This has great music quality.
3. The Graphics quality is greatly
4. Its quite fast. Got ~1850 in quadrant
without any oc kernel
Now lets see the apps that this includes
and their functions :
1. Bare bone ROM.
2. U can choose any data2sd as it's not
3. light wieght
4. updated base taken. Thanks to squad
for his brilliant job.
5. cm9 like music quality
6. Modded xperia launcher(looks like ics)
7. Included swype
8. Included market
9. Replaced gallery 3d with quickpic.
10. Brand new ui. Looks awesome.
11. Dialer with t9 support n user friendly
All the icons have been themed to look
like ICS
What tweaks does it include?
All the tweaks that are in this rom are
found from around the xda forums. thanx
to the devs who made it.
Boot animation from cm9
Some build properties edited to make rom
Special Thanks To this Developer
1. tj_style
2. Squadzone.
3. Yagya
4. Vishal007
5. Qu!Lox
6. Ppl from the galaxy ace n galaxy gio
7.Ppl from all over the xda.
Update Zip File
1. Update for v3(download for bug fix)
----------Do At Your Own Risk-----------
------I Hope U Like My Work-------