[ROM] [Kernel] MORe version 2.0 RC1 (Sep 08, 2012)
This ROM was made only for people who
like to stock.
A little changes to the interface, the
overclock features
and some tweaks to improve performance
* Based on XWKTN 2.3.6 Rom
* Overclock up to 864 (Squadzone source
* More governors
* Adb as root
* Deodexed
* Busybox
* Superuser + binary
* Ext4 Filesystem as Primary
* Support for Ext2/3
* Enabled Ramswap (init.d)
* Zipaligned (init.d)
* No-frills app added for sliding
* ICS Bootanimation
* S2E App2sd
* Hosts by adfree
* resolv.conf
* dbus.conf
* slaidy boost
* 14 Status Bar Toggles (lidroid)
* Swipe to Remove Notification
* Extended Power Menu (Reboot,Recovery
& Download)
* CMScreenshot in Power Menu (Removed
silent mode)
* Removed stock screenshot
* Added Tweaks For Faster Performance
(from emanoN)
* Mms app with skin chooser and various
limitations removed
* Dsp Manager
* Updated GApps
* More locale language (include Bahasa
* Multyread font (DroidSans)
* New Call Receiver (from stock)
* ICS Animation
* New Battery Percentage with increment
rate of 1%
* Crt Screen Off and On Animation
* Arabic Patch with RTL Fix
* Tweaks revert to MOReV1
* Compatible with KIES
* Fixed market force close
* MORe Parts mod from emanoN Parts
Credit & thanks to:
2. tj_style for Inspiring me.
3. parasmi for Tweaks (i took from his
ROM) and inspiring me.
4. SlaidyBoost-V2.3 from slaid480
5. Hansip87 for swipe to remove
6. lidroid for quick panel
7. Member of Partychat Lil'G squadzone,
bintel and Others for Supporting (sorry
i can't mention)
8. Google
Download Link Is below
-------Flash As A Normally--------
------Do At Your Own Risk-------
Sorry For My Bad Inglish Oppesss I mean English